My personal Stripper -Wife

From wifey to stripper in a second -The joy of being married to a Bimbo!

I want to be mindless

I want to be blank

I want to be obedient

I want to exist

I want to be a toy

I want to be pleasurable

I want to be deep

I want to be honest

I want to be accepting

I want to be waiting

I want to be desperete

I want to be helpless

I want to be docile

I want to be Sexy

I want to be porn

I want to be suggestable

I want to be drooling

Change me.

Change how I think.

Change the way I speak.

Change how I write.

Change what I wear.

Change what I remember.

Change what I forget.

Change my name.

Change my personality.

Make me your perfect toy. Make it so I barely recognize the person I was when we first started speaking. Please?

edging makes me *so* much better



I want to be porn!

I want to be porn!

I want to be porn!

I want to be porn!

I want to be porn!

I want to be porn!

No more stress.

No more anxiety.

No more thinking.

Youtube Exposure

That’s what happens when you are a bad boy straying around and NOT paying everything you owe ME ! NEXT IS TIKTOK!